Women’s Health

As women, we experience ongoing changes not only with our monthly cycles but also through stages of menarche, fertility, pregnancy, postnatal recovery and menopause. We are in a constant state of change.

These beautiful changes in our bodies can sometimes result in imbalances and the onset of new symptoms which can be hard to manage.  We are here to help you.

Are my experiences ‘normal’ ?

As woman, unfortunately we are stigmatized to not talk about our bodies, this leads to inaccurate perceptions of what is considered ‘normal’.  Consequently, many woman and girls endure unnecessary discomfort in silence. 

This may be due to previous incorrect advice that their symptoms are ‘in their heads’, feelings of shame about discussing their bodies or a lack of awareness that their symptoms are not ‘normal’ or that they are unnecessarily suffering.

Examples of such symptoms include:

  •   Irregular or absent menstrual cycles
  •   Irritability at different times of the monthly cycle
  •   Painful periods
  •   Digestive changes with the cycle
  •   Post natal fatigue and mood changes
  •   Abnormal vaginal discharge
  •   Difficulty falling pregnant
  •   Hot flushes, vaginal dryness and loss of libido
  •   Hormones induced acne and excessive hair growth
  •   Weight gain 
  •   Recurring UTI’s or vaginal infections

If you are experiencing symptoms and not able to find a space to feel heard and be thoroughly assessed, feel free to contact Dr Anjana and her team.

What makes our Women’s health team special?

Dr Anjana has first hand experience with issues such as Endometriosis, post natal complications, hyperemesis and other woman’s health issues.  Living through her own health journey, she understands some of the challenges in getting heard, gas lighting and finding a path to recovery.  Consequently she is passionate about helping others through similar challenges. 

She endeavors to provide you with a compassionate hearing space to open up and express your experiences, feelings and symptoms. ​​

As a Functional practitioner Dr Anjana has her traditional medical tool box as well as her Functional Integrative tool box to guide you.  This means that she can order Pelvic Ultrasounds and hormone blood work up as a Medical doctor, whilst also having the knowledge and exposure to investigate Functional testing and provide integrative holistic health solutions.

We provide a nurturing environment to help women balance and recover.

What we treat at the clinic ?

​​​​​​​We treat a wide array of conditions from:

  •   Polycystic Ov​​ary Syndrome (PCOS)
  •   Dysmenorrhoea – Painful periods
  •   Amenorrhoea  – Absent periods
  •   Irregular periods
  •   Premenstrual Tension  (PMT)
  •   Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
  •   Fertility support 
  •   Post natal support 
  •   Endometriosis
  •   Adenomyosis
  •   Menopause and Hormone replacement therapy
  •   Fibroids
  •   Vaginal discharge and vaginal microbiome dysfunction
  •   Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Our Network.

We have grown a trusted network allied health and Specialists – to help support you for more complex cases which include:

  •   ​Gynaecologist, obstetricians and  IVF specialists
  •   Weight loss specialists
  •   Dieticians and nutritionists
  •   Psychologists, psychotherapists & counsellors
  •   Tracking apps