Maternal microbiome & Child development

We know how significant the gut microbiome is in gastrointestinal health, immune regulation, nutrient absorption and reducing inflammation, but did you know it can directly affect the health of our children during gestation, infancy and childhood?

The maternal microbiome, that is, the mother’s diversity of microbes in the gastrointestinal tract, vagina, skin and breast milk, plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s microbial community. Microbes are transmitted during and after birth as the baby passes through the vaginal canal, exposing the baby’s gut, skin and mucosal surfaces to a variety of beneficial bacteria that will shape their internal microbiome, providing protection against harmful pathogens. Infants born via caesarean do not have the same exposure to vaginal microbes until skin-to-skin contact is made, resulting in a different microbial composition to vaginally born infants.

Is the Microbiome Inherited ? Is the Microbiome genetic?

The gut microbiomes properties are determined by a combination of external and internal effects. Despite significant research, it is difficult to evaluate the extent to which human genetics shape the composition of the gut microbiota. We know that non- genetic inherited maternal factors in utero and after birth can directly or indirectly impact the development of the offspring’s gut microbiome and immune system. What we feed this infant further effects this child’s microbiome and immune system.

Microbiome effects during pregnancy & the maternal microbiome and pregnancy outcomes

Research has shown that colonisation of the infant microbiome may even begin prior to birth, as microbes have been detected in the placenta, fetal membranes, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord. The Lancet in the article “The maternal microbiome: another bridge linking mothers and infants” discusses how “maternal gut microbes may have both direct and indirect effects during pregnancy. For example, a dysregulated gut microbiome is thought to promote intestinal inflammation, which in turn could lead to a shortening of the gestational period and a reduction in birthweight. The gut microbiome can also influence nutrient absorption during pregnancy and cause more global effects on gestation and fetal growth.”


Maternal diet and the probability of childhood allergy.

Prenatal maternal diet may also influence the likelihood of childhood allergy. Research has shown that a Mediterranean style diet has been associated with a reduced risk of asthma and atopic skin conditions, while a high fat and sugar diet was shown to induce dysbiosis, social dysfunction and synaptic plasticity deficits in infants.

  • In 2016 in Cell, Shelly Buffington and colleagues showed that a high-fat diet induced a shift in maternal gut microbiota in a mouse model, especially the lowered abundance of Lactobacillus reuteri, which reduced oxytocin levels in the hypothalamus of the offspring and negatively affected their social behaviour.
  • In an animal study, Samantha Dawson and colleagues found that certain butyrate-producing families were higher in mothers of children with “nominative” behaviour”. A healthy prenatal diet, including a high intake of fish, nuts, eggs, green vegetables, whole grains, and a low intake of white bread, sugar, full-cream milk, and hamburgers”.

Breast Feeding effects on the maternal microbiome

Breastfeeding further contributes to the development of the baby’s microbiome, as breast milk is a rich source of beneficial bacteria, prebiotics and antibodies.

Antibiotics and the vaginal Microbiome.

Studies have shown that antibiotic use may change the vaginal microbiome during pregnancy, altering the microbial colonisation of newborns which has been associated with childhood obesity, impaired cognitive development, childhood asthma, epilepsy, and low birth weight.

Are probiotic safe in pregnancy? Which probiotics are recommended in pregnancy?

Probiotics are generally considered safe in pregnancy however it is important you look at evidence based strains. Not all probiotics are high quality and backed by evidence. It is not to say that other probiotic won’t work but there may not be enough research yet.

A meta-analysis in 2019 “Effect of probiotic supplementation in pregnant women: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials” showed that probiotics supplementation resulted in:

  • Decrease in atopic eczema
  • Prolonged gestational age
  • No effect on weight
  • Reduction is risk of necrotising enterocolitis.
  • Lower risk of death

Some of the researched strains include

While early microbial exposure during and post birth is significant in the infant’s development of a healthy immune system, it starts with the health and diversity of the mother’s microbial community. To learn more on how to start preparing for a family read this article.

These blog posts are not there to treat or diagnose. Please always consult a medical practitioner in regard to any health concerns you have. If you would like to make an appointment, please contact us at [email protected].

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